Cancellation of planned trips due to COVID 19 and your rights

Due to the international and national measures adopted to combat the new corona virus, a large number of planned trips have been delayed or cancelled and many of us are wondering what our rights are in such situations.

Below is an overview of some of the most frequently asked questions.*

What are my rights if a flight is cancelled by an air carrier?

In the event of cancellation, passengers are entitled to a refund or re-routing. If the airline which cancelled the flight offers only the substitution with the voucher ticket that you can redeem for a later travel, this offer shall not affect the passenger's right to request a refund instead of the voucher.

If my flight is cancelled, can I get the refund for accommodation as well?

If you have booked a flight separately from the accommodation, it is possible for the hotel to insist that you pay for it unless you are insured and then you can take legal action against the insurer. If your flight and accommodation are a package deal then you are entitled to a full refund.

What happens if I cancel a host or guest over Airbnb due to a new virus corona?

Reservations for stays and Airbnb Experiences made on or before March 14, 2020, with a check-in date between March 14, 2020 and May 31, 2020, are covered by the Airbnb special policy and may be cancelled before check-in. Guests who cancel will have a variety of cancellation and refund options, and hosts can cancel without charge or impact to their Superhost status. Airbnb will either refund, or issue travel credit that includes, all service fees for covered cancellations. In order to cancel under the policy, you will be required to attest to the facts of and/or provide supporting documentation for your extenuating circumstance.

The host’s cancellation policy will apply as usual to reservations made after March 14, 2020.

Cancellations will be handled according to the extenuating circumstances coverage in effect at the time of submission.

If a reservation has already begun (the check-in has passed) this extenuating circumstance does not apply.


Please contact us directly at to discuss any concrete legal implications  and concerns for your trip due to the evolving impact of COVID-19 measures

*Responses are given in accordance to the Interpretative Guidelines on EU passenger rights regulations in the context of the developing situation with Covid-19 , Montenegrin Law on Obligations and the Basics of Air Traffic Relations, Aribnb Extenuating circumstances policy and the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the past practices but only represent general answers that may differ in concrete situation due to the various factors such as country of arrival/ departure, air carrier, travel contract, and the similar;